Import duties are to be expected and every country has its own list of charges. Sometimes packages will randomly be inspected by customs and oftentimes a customs tax will be charged. We try to use FedEx for most of our international shipments. FedEx delivers with high reliability because it pays duties on your behalf in order for your country's customs to release it. FedEx then passes the bill on to you. Alternatively, a parcel carrier may notify you that you have a package waiting for you and will only release it once you have paid the duty on it.
Please note that these duty charges and other related fees are still your responsibility, even though you paid for shipping, as these are not covered by shipping charges. Customs tax is not something we can control, just like we have to charge our customers sales tax for sales in the state of California in the US, except your country is collecting a customs tax from you.
To see our international shipping rates, see our shipping page.
For returns, return shipping will be your responsibility. Please note that we cannot refund your shipping fee as this is a one-time fixed cost for us.
For exchanges, shipping both ways will be your responsibility. If you received a discounted shipping rate due to a promotion, please note you will be responsible for the shipping charges for us to ship back to you at our full cost. This means we are unable to offer the same discounted shipping rate on exchange shipping. International shipping will need to be purchased a la carte in advance before an exchange can be authorized. The reason for this policy is because we do not store your payment information and are unable to make charges to your credit card from our side on your behalf. You will therefore need to re-enter your payment information when you purchase the international return shipping from us. Our customer support will offer you more information and guidance when you initiate your exchange.
Customs Forms
International shipments back to the US will require customs forms. Please be sure to fill out your customs forms properly to avoid any unnecessary duty fees. Since this is a return and not a purchase there should not be a duty. If a duty is charged, it is our policy to refuse the package so please make sure your paper work is correct. For these reasons, we recommend you use dedicated international parcel carriers like FedEx, DHL, UPS, or TNT who offer reliable deliverability and can give you further assistance you with filling out the correct forms.